氏 名 菊池弘太郎(Kikuchi Kotaro)
所属/職名 業務執行理事
メールアドレス kikuchi(*add @kaiseiken.or.jp)
学位の種類 博士(水産学)
専門分野/関心分野 水産養殖学
略 歴 ・1983 3 東北大学大学院農学研究科博士課程前期(水産学専攻)修了
・1983 4 電力中央研究所 生物環境技術研究所 入所
・2019 6 海洋生物環境研究所 入所
趣 味 サッカー、トレッキング、スキー、スポーツ鑑賞、ワイン

K. Kikuchi, T. Furuta, N. Iwata, K. Onuki, T. Noguchi and H. Sugita. Effect of dietary fatty acid composition on the growth of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Fisheries Science 2011; 77: 829-837.
R. Omata, K. Kikuchi (corresponding author), H. Sugita and S. Satoh. Inclusion of blue mussels and amino acids in the fish and defatted soybean meals based diet for tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Aquacult. Sci. 2010; 58: 147-150.
K. Kikuchi, T. Furuta, N. Iwata, K. Onuki and T. Noguchi. Effect of dietary lipid levels on the growth, feed utilization, body composition and blood characteristics of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Aquaculture 2009; 298: 111-117.
K. Kikuchi and T. Furuta. Use of defatted soybean meal and blue mussel meat as substitute for fish meal in the diet of tiger puffer, Takifugu rubripes. J. World Aquaculture Society 2009; 40: 472-482.
K. Kikuchi and T. Furuta. Inclusion of blue mussel extract in fish and soybean meals based diets for tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Fisheries Science 2009; 75: 183-189.
K. Kikuchi, T. Furuta, H. Ishizuka and T. Yanagawa. Growth of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes at different salinities. J. World Aquaculture Society 2007; 38: 427-434.
K. Kikuchi, N. Iwata, T. Furuta, T. Kawabata and T. Yanagawa. Growth of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes in the closed recirculating culture system. Fisheries Science 2006; 72: 1042-1047.
K. Kikuchi, N. Iwata, T. Kawabata and T. Yanagawa. Effect of feeding frequency, water temperature and stocking density on the growth of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. J. World Aquaculture Society 2006; 37: 12-20.
K. Kikuchi, N. Iwata and S. Takeda. Production of Japanese flounder in closed recirculating aquaculture system. Fisheries Science 2002; 68: 851-854.
K. Kikuchi, A. Ueda, H. Sugita and S. Takeda. Effect of dietary inclusion of blue mussel extracts on growth and body composition of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. J. World Aquaculture Society 2002; 33: 41-47.
K. Kikuchi, Y. Kawaski and S.Sato. Seasonal changes in carbohydrate level of eelgrass Zostera marina at Odawa bay. Fisheries Science 2001; 67: 755-757.
K. Kikuchi and S. Takeda. Present status of research and production of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. J. Applied Aquaculture 2001; 11: 165-175.
K. Kikuchi, H. Sugita and T. Watanabe. Effect of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth and body composition of Japanese flounder. Suisanzoshoku 2000; 48: 537-543.
K. Kikuchi. Development of environmentally friendly aquaculture with closed recirculation techniques, 第9回韓日・日韓水産増殖シンポジウム(基調講演), November 13 2010, Busan, Korea.
K. Kikuchi. Development of closed recirculating aquaculture for marine finfish, 日台環境調和型養殖技術シンポジウム, October 14 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
K. Kikuchi. Macro nutrient requirement of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, The IV International Symposium on Aquaculture Nutrition, November 24-27 2008, Ensenada, Baja-California, México.
K. Kikuchi. Present status of research and production of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes in Japan. The VIII International Symposium on Aquaculture Nutrition, November 15-17 2006, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México.
K. Kikuchi: Nitrogen in the closed recirculating aquaculture. Australasian Aquaculture 2004, September 26-29, Sydney, Australia.
K. Kikuchi:循環濾過式養殖、上海水産大学90周年建校記念行事講演、2002年11月1日、上海水産大学(中国).
K. Kikuchi: Grow-out diet for Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. The 4th International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, July 18-20 2002, Roanoke VA, USA.
K. Kikuchi and N. Iwata: Development of closed systems for grow-out of Japanese flounder. Workshop on Better Use of Water, Nutrients and Space, August 7 2001, Trondheim, Norway.
K. Kikuchi: Present status of research and production of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in Japan. Aquaculture America 2000, February 1-6 2000, New Orleans, USA.
著 書
K. Kikuchi : Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. in Application of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (ed by T. Takeuchi). Springer/JSFS、 東京、2017、pp.101-126.
菊池弘太郎:3.3-4 陸上施設を用いた魚類の閉鎖循環式養殖、閉鎖生態系・生態工学ハンドブック(生態工学会出版企画委員会編)、アドスリー、東京、2015、pp.183-189.
T. Seikai, K. Kikuchi, Y. Fujinami:Culture of Japanese flounder. in Practical Flatfish Culture and Stock Enhancement (eds by H. Daniels and W. Watanabe)、Blackwell Publishing、New York、2010、pp.143-155.
菊池弘太郎:5.2.4 閉鎖循環型水産養殖システム、現代 電力技術便覧 21、6編 電力と環境(田中征夫・瓜生道明・宮永洋一編)、オーム社、東京、2007、pp.1163-1167.
菊池弘太郎:第3章 閉鎖循環型養殖における水処理技術、養殖・蓄養システムと水管理(矢田貞美偏)、恒星社厚生閣、東京、2004、pp.39-67.
K. Kikuchi and T. Takeuchi:Japanese flounder. in Nutrient Requirement and Feeding for Aquaculture (eds by C.D. Webster and C. Lim)、CABI Publishing、Oxon、UK、2002、pp.113-120.